Yakuza 4 cheats ps3 bruteforce
Yakuza 4 cheats ps3 bruteforce

yakuza 4 cheats ps3 bruteforce

I've tried placing codes from ps3Tools/PS3 Cheat Editor (Thanks Aldo) into bruteforce but that doesn't work without an eboot hack or CU.

yakuza 4 cheats ps3 bruteforce

What codes can be used in bruteforce? (i read that game genie codes work but they have taken them off site and are selling a program instead now. Is there a tutorial or tool for eboot modding? Rayman - i changed the offset where the value of the 'lums' was stored, but that didnt require a checksum fix. (i've only managed to to modify 2 games:ĬoD-Ghosts by changing the teeth value but there's a checksum fixer for that, How can i find out which Checksum is being using and how can i fix it after modifying values in the patch creator or HxD so it doesn't corrupt the save.


Is there a tutorial for bruteforce which explains how to search for cheats? - (i had a look but it seemed extremely complicated to me) (been searching for a couple of days and cant find anything, i came across an old thing called 'Usercheat' which requires 3.55 firmware and eboot modding which sounds quite limited)

yakuza 4 cheats ps3 bruteforce

Is there any tutorials out there to help people understand how to add their own cheat codes to bruteforce?

Yakuza 4 cheats ps3 bruteforce